Hashtag Love Wins

Hello Monday! Sadly the weekend has ended, but a positive historic weekend it was. Well if you’ve either had your heads in the cloud or been living under a rock these past few days, on Friday June 26th the Supreme Court ruled equal marriage rights in all fifty states. And it’s about time. There were celebrations across America and right here in NYC, celebrations at the Pride parade felt especially epic. #LoveWins and #LoveisLove swept the nation as everyone commenced in overjoy and support (well even if it wasn’t everyone, it should have been) Unfortunately I was working this weekend to show my support at the parade, but I took to snapchat and Instagram to get my updates. Many across the country have been showing a whole lotta love and I couldn’t be happier for our nation.

Now we may have a lot more progress to make but this weekend was just one more step forward in the right direction and proof that love and the primitive right to equality will always win. We get to celebrate and remind one another of love, tolerance and individuality. Ensuring that everyone in every way, shape, and form has the right to be their true selves. Throughout the weekend across Instagram people have posted their photos to show their pride and support whether gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, or gender fluid.



So let the love commemorate and follow you through the week. This has been an important weekend and ruling; a day that our kids will read about in history class, a day that so many have been waiting for, a day that restores faith in humanity. Start your week off right, with our positive vibes fresh from the weekend, happiness in the air and The Euphoric Vibes feed right on your phone.

– Danielle Sheehan

Check out some awesome photos I found to recap the weekend!

The many that gathered from all over to march in the Pride Parade this weekend. #NYC #Broadway #Pride



Adrienne C. Moore and Jackie Cruz from #oitnb showed some love at the parade. #cuties



And of course the rest of the squad, Yael Stone and Lea DeLaria accompanied them. #oitnbcast #nyc



And the cutie Darren Criss from #Glee showed his support in NYC.



Ariana Grande was also showing love in NYC this weekend, performing over at #thePier by the Hudson, singing Whitney Houston’s “I’m Every Woman” . Check out her performance here.  

Summer Body is YOUR Body!

         “The Perfect Beach Body”, is reiterated across every headline as the warm weather approaches. However this hype of a “summer body” is always targeted towards us females more than males. In fact summer 2015 is becoming the summer of the “dad bod.” The men are being praised for gaining a little extra while women are being ridiculed.One minute they want us to be skinny then the next we have to be curvy. Looking back through history you can see how body types for women have changed. BuzzFeed actually has a video on YouTube titled “Women’s Ideal Body Types Throughout History,” this is a perfect illustration of how standards always evolve.

         During the Italian Renaissance plump, voluptuous women were being celebrated. If you take a look at art from this era bigger women are the muse. Fast forward all the way to the 1960’s, when skinny became the new look to admire. Now women were being photographed; flip through any magazine between the 1960’s to the 2000’s and it’s all skin and bones. Today in the year 2015, I have no idea what body type is being admired. One day there telling girls to look petite like Mila Kunis and Selena Gomez and the next day they want them to be thick like Kim Kardashian and Beyonce. All these women are beautiful in their own way but why should we aspire to look like them?  

         Our lives have become more and more like beauty pageants as society judges us more based on our appearance rather than the many attributes we have. A woman can’t even run for president without her sense of style being scrutinized. We’re told to love our bodies as long as it fits within the mold that society has created for us. This mold usually takes form in clothing. As you walk through your favorite store in the mall “California girls” is playing and there are posters of some photo shopped model plastered around the walls. Even the mannequins look better in the clothes, as they should, they were made to fit them. You begin walking towards the dressing room with fun, flirty summer clothes as the signs around the store stated. As you try on the third dress you begin realizing  you’re not “summer ready” because the crop top didn’t look like the girl in the poster and now this dress looks all wrong. Instead of shrugging our shoulders and just looking for more clothes, we walk out with a mixture of misery and humiliation. Let’s walk back in there with confidence and take back our bodies from society.

       Yes, there will always be judges on the sidelines but we have to  silence them out. Summer 2015 and every summer after that should be promoting loving yourself and the body you have. Yes, you can change your body if you want to but change always takes time so love who you are in the now. Love your body for what it was yesterday, for what it is today and what it will be tomorrow.  

                                                                                                                                            Truly yours,

                                                                                                                                                 Melanie S.


Found this gem on Tumblr!

Found this gem on Tumblr!