Period Related Things I Wish I’d Known at Eleven


Tea is literally my solution to all life’s problems. Try decaffeinated herbal teas like mint and oolong. Use honey not sugar.


Okay this one is tricky. You wanna avoid hardcore exercise like lifting. However, I’ve learned from high school Phys. Ed that running actually reduces cramps. Now that I’m no longer in HS Phys. Ed I aim for simple stretches, going for slow walks, and casually staying active. It is tempting to lie in bed in fetal position and groan and moan but it’s probably not the best idea for you physically or for your mood. Exercise makes you happy –endorphins and all that.

Hot Packs

Hot packs are great. After some simple and light exercise, fill one up with hot water and cuddle up with them in the coziest spot you know. Place them right on top of your abdomen and they provide soothing comfort for a few hours. This is really beneficial for the first few days when it feels like monsters are stabbing you in the gut over and and over again.


Let it out. Let it all out. It’s okay to cry as much and as often as you need to. If you’re like me and for some reason during your period you get emotional and are constantly on the verge of tears, don’t fight it. It’s better to just go with it. Get it out of your system. It’s a good mechanism for getting out pent up emotions and starting new.

Binge Eating.. Girl Don’t Do It

C’mon your acne doesn’t need any more Cheetos. Don’t. During your period is the best time to eat a salad.  Avoid feeling bogged down with heavy meaty foods. Aim for crisp and fresh. Drink some good juice blends and rebuild your body. Chocolate is okay too but if you’re gonna eat the entire Hershey’s bar then it might just have the opposite effect. Aim for a few squares of dark chocolate and really savor the taste in your mouth.

Stains, stains, stains

I’ve had a mostly heavy flow for a majority of my life. I’ve stained underwear, pants, bedsheets, and seats so many times I’ve gotten over the embarrassment and just learned to deal with it. For underwear, try and wear ones you won’t mind staining. If they do become stained don’t toss em out, run hot water over it, then with detergent scrub the stain out by hand. If you toss the stained underwear in the laundry the stain dries, and is less likely to come out completely. Same goes for bedsheets, pants, skirts and anything else. To avoid bedsheet spillage, before going to bed crumble up a piece of toilet paper and position between ya butt crack. Seriously, when you’re sleeping and moving around in all sorts of positions this will prevent any accidents and let you sleep easier. If you stain yourself in public, cover up as soon as possible. Always carry tissues with you, and just don’t worry too much about it. What are ya gonna do? You didn’t choose this life, it chose you!


Pick the right one based on your flow. Have a few different sizes. In the beginning of your period your flow might be stronger or weaker. Select your pad size accordingly and seriously change it every 2-3 hours even if it’s not full. If you wear it for too long it will cause discomfort and bad odors and funkiness ya just don’t wanna deal with. Go for pads with wings on them. Trust me you will have to deal with fewer stains.

Hot showers

Take hot showers. They will release tension in your muscles and ease your cramps. On the first few days of your period take a hot shower in the morning and one before you go to bed at night. This will ensure that your muscles are relaxed and help you feel clean.

Summer’s Eve

Ingrid Nilsen aka missglamorazzi on YouTube once revealed the products she had in her shower and talked a little about Summer’s Eve products. I look up to Ingrid a lot –and still do –and so I went out and bought myself the Summer’s Eve wash from the drug store. For a mere $5 I was set for a good few months. Summers Eve products help control pH levels and actually leave you feeling super fresh down there. FRESH is the goal you guys. No one likes feeling funky and sluggish and gross.

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